Sunday 7 February 2010

My Organized Writing Weekend

I always feel my weekends are a blundering mess - I write KL and feel guilty because I'm not out in the garden for a few hours.  Although writing is theraputic it's as if I'm getting no-where fast, ARGHH! Today, for the first time in ages, I felt organized, yippee!!!  AND, I got to relax for an hour.  So my new ritual was born this weekend ...

Sunday I made a cuppa and went back to bed for half hour and read (Tess Gerisen book), ignoring the cats whining to go outside.  So Dixie climbed on top of the door to put her point across: Joey and Tabitha really do want to go out and play in the garden. I continued ignoring them.  I even made The Other Half a cuppa and brought his paper up too. (Newspaper bit too wifey, if you ask me). I'm keeping up with this! Er, the half hour in bed with a coffee and book, I mean - The Other Half can get his own paper next time.

I tidied my den - boy, it needed it.  Took a couple of pictures for my blog and wrote KL for an hour and a half.

Did thirty minutes writing for the Your Cat competition.

Then an hour on the Simon Seeks / Writers Bureau assisgnment 6 ...

Then housework etc etc... oh and a quick session in the garden.

This year WILL BE the year I finsh KL's never ending edit (six chapters to go of changing the font Times Roman Numeral, font size 12, re-read, changes, chapter organisation ... ) and I AM going to submit to agents and publishers ... Summersdale first (as recommended by Accent Press publisher Hazel Cushion). What the hell ... I will start with the small presses as well as agents. So how about a deadline for finishing KL once and for all ...  April 30.

Watch this space  ..

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