Monday 8 February 2010

My Writing Den

Ahh, my relaxing writing den!  The picture is of my lovely Nan and is propped up against a book stand bought at a nik-knak shop. The pots are from a junk shop. Coaster from Bircham Windmill and paper weight I won at Nan's carehome.

The desk is from Tesco, arrived damaged so I painted it and with wire wool took off paint to give it an old look!  the chair was a fiver at my favourite junk shop, Bits 'n' Bobs, at Terrington St Clements.

The book shelf is my old Ikea one, painted blue and again with wire wool, I took the corners off for that old look!
Hook rack from, yep, the junk shop, and cotton and organza bags I picked up along the way. the gold one had bulldog clips in!

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