Saturday 6 February 2010

Lola Jaye

Rebus is on but as women are talented at multi-tasking, I've been reading Author Lola Jaye's old blog which she began in 2002 before becoming a published author.  It's really inspiring too. And she admits to not been much good at grammar. That's my worry.  Lola mentions having gone to a writers conference and it's how she was discovered. Hmm, is a thought ... And maybe a hope for me yet!

Yesterday I gave out the synopsis and two chapters to friends, gulp.  I'm almost afraid of what they might say ... it's ok if they don't like it, and if they spot errors, FANTASTIC .. I just don't want people saying they like it for the sake of it.  It may not be their type of thing. BE HONEST PEOPLE!

Saturday morning is my writing morning but had booked a pamper morning instead: manicure, eyebrows, pub lunch. As usual, I got let down. Bugger me if the third person I found just hasn't bothered getting back to me with their address, and  I had an appointment for a bit of beautifying ... God, I need it .. er, I mean, all this cold weather, I need cheering up.

I nipped round to a lady called Christa to have a lesson working my new sewing machine that I hadn't a hope in hell of knowing how to use. Blimey, this domestic, wifey marlarky is bloody hard!  Luckily Christa was use to teaching children how to use these confusing mechanical things so I was able to understand it's function within the hour. Can now make bunting for a June egg hunt ....

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the synopsis etc

    The domestic wifey thing... the family... learn the art of smurfing (delegation, to use its Sunday name) and hand out tasks to them as can, geddit?

