Thursday 4 February 2010

Kangaroo Land, the Travelogue

Cover by my Mum

God, I've been writing this book forever ... mind you I did nip off to sea for two years.  I'm more and more confident with its contents and it's helped adding it to Authonomy and YWO (the odd nasty comment forgotten), plus mentioning on various Forums etc etc.   Writers Gazette (USA) and Write This Moment (UK) newsletters gave it a mention too.   

Knowing strangers have read it has been OK but dare I let folk I know read it?  Yikes.  

A brand new super dooper website (by Milk Design) will be up and running soon with this blog directly linking to it.  Reading up on HTML was all very well, but yawn, kept falling asleep for some bizarre reason.  My old salmon coloured web is still live so please ignore.  

I entered KL into recent competitions:
  • UK Authors (£20 for feedback)
  • Oxford Literary Consultants (One-page plus synopsis and free to enter)
  • Brit Awards (yet to enter and free to Writing Magazine Subscribers, I think)
Kangaroo land is a simple little travelogue that hopefully has a giggle element to it. Something light to whittle away the hours on a flight or beach.  It's not perfect, grammar well, I've tried and have my old faithful grammar book by my side.   It'll cost at least £400 to get KL read by Hilary Johnson's Advisory Service (I know, she is good) but that's for appraisal only.  And a whole lot more to be proofed.  Sadly I have yet to win the lotto so that idea is on hold. Am going to stand tall and submit to agents and publishers.  Thinking ahead, will purchase a pretty folder for Rejection Slip Presentation, haha!

Currently getting the manuscript presentation correct ... you know, Times Roman Numeral, 12 pt, that kind of thing.  Oh, and quick edit (the zillionth one, I believe).  

                                                                   Another fabulous picture by my Mum.

Did I mention there'll be a Kangaroo Land sequel one day.  

Yep, I'm going back to OZ!

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