Cley Windmill.
Kangaroo Land was bundled off to Hilary Johnson and duly returned in November. Sadly, noted as 'dated' (1996 quirky travelogue) it won't sell. I shall change those little errors and send it out still - meanwhile I have almost completed assignment six for Writers Bureau and plan to get the course completed once and for all. I think there are two websites I would like t get published in: Powder Room Graffiti and Simon Seeks. It's nearly Christmas and I've had tons to do with making crackers and decorations and putting together hampers, last of the pressie buying and chilling a little more. I will close the Avon account in January as I take on so much and need to relax a little more - always tired- so that's one thing to go ... and if I am honest, I encountered bitchiness from other reps/sales leaders and I really don't need it.
Belated congratulations, Lesley, on your marriage. Hope 2011 is heading in a good direction for you. xx