Saturday 20 February 2010

Literary Agents

It's freezing out!!!  Been editing Kangaroo Land (extracts on my web).  Writers & Artists Yearbook 2010 sits on my lap as been choosing which agents I will approach - well, once i've checked to them a bit more! Hmm, some writers had success in approaching overseas publishers ... what about agents?

OK,  agents connected with travel:

Bookblast - no unsolicited Manuscripts at the mo.  (bugger)
Curtis Brown - says non-fiction and send an outline and short synopsis with 2 to 3 sample chapters. (will check)
Juri Gabriel - 'anything that show wit and intelligence'. Full MSS welcome! (can I pass for having wit?)
Greene & Heatn Limited - Bill Bryson's agent (bugger me, worth a try)
Gregory & Company
Hhb Agency
Susanna Lea
Marjacq Scripts
The Peter Fraser Group
Pollinger Limited
Sayle Literary Agent
Sheil Land

Will check into these further ... watch this space!

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