Thursday 18 February 2010

Head in a Whirl!

All I can think of is my new website!

Anyway, back to writing ...  did writing for Simon Seeks / Assignment 6 (it's called 2 in 1, I believe!)

A woman I've known for 3 months read two chapters of Kangaroo Land and should said it was soooo funny and wants to read more! Blimey! So ... will be printing chapters 3 to 4 this weekend.

Decided to reset my alarm and get up at 6:30am on a work morning as 6:45am on top of a 45 min drive into work is ARGHH, hard...well, I am er, um, 40+.

Have re-joined Avon! Yes, Avon Calling.  Doing Avon in Bretton, Peterborough helped me get to know the locals ... and well, I've lived in a country village for a year and it'll be great to get to know the locals there too! Really want to make a go of it and get lots of orders, etc etc etc

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