Sunday 14 February 2010

Sunday ... Valentine Day

Am on my second cup of coffee and  I still can't wake up - must be the Valentine chocolate we ate in bed this morning ..!  The Other Half is making a cooked breakfast / brunch - bet you he ropes me in for the menial tasks, like cracking the eggs.  At least if he cooks it'll taste like eggs, bacon etc etc.

Yesterday I went over to Union Jack Nursery, Wisbech St Mary's, to buy a Victoria Plum Tree (£10) - Thompson and Marshalls couldn't get there's out of the ground and at Union it was quite interesteing watching three men work out how best to get a 7 foot tree in a Kia Rio.  Oh, my Valentine pressie for The Other Half.  Stopped at Chestnut Nursery to change faulty pots - the red ceramic coating is falling off from the cold weather - they gave us two more expensive and larger ones and told us to keep the faulty ones.  Then to the craft shop for ribbon for my kids Egg Hunt in June and finally for a hot cuppa, tea cake and a read of my book at All Seasons Tearoom (a little 'me time') and to collect a business card for a wedding cake ... yeah, taking the plunge in November. 

  • Your Cat competition entry goes in the post Monday.
  • Decided against entering in the Brit Awards comp as quite frankly, I don't think I stand a chance
  • Going to enter into Cinnamon Press novel comp I think
  • Article for Simon Seeks / Writers Bureau Assignment - gonna do a bit more this morning
And got a good feeling about Kangaroo Land  ... well, meaning I think this is the year to send it out.Gulp. Whether it gets taken on by anyone, who knows, but if I get some helpful tips in at least ONE of the rejection slips I'm bound to receive, well, I might learn  something, haha!

Right better get my arse in gear and start very important writing as The Other Half is in the kitchen and I just know he's gonna say, "Right, you gonna help me."

I hate cookery. I might play deaf.

1 comment:

  1. I love the cover. Start sending it out. Being rejected is a natural part of the writing process. If you don't send it out to people how can you find the right person to work with on it?

    PS. Your new blog looks divine too - fun and funky, I love it:)Congrats on the launch.
